

Do you dream of starting a business to share your creative art or physical product with the world?

Do you have a physical creative product you would like to sell, or are you currently selling your products, and want to move to an online space but are intimidated with where to start?

Could you use a trustworthy website designer who will partner with your vision and help you through the process of building your first web space?

Do you currently lack the marketing skill set, time, volume or finances promote your creative business?

Would you like to support for profit creative businesses that fund non profit Kingdom causes?

Does your business offer non-physical products but you love the concept of this community and want to be a part?

Would you like to join a like-minded marketplace community that provides the answer to the above questions and has a vision to expand?

Bringdom® is your solution.

WHO? Bringdom® Marketplace and Bringdom® Affiliates provide a safe harbor community to assist Kingdom-minded creative businesses with selling their products and services online.

HOW? We provide an exclusive community for business growth and promotion while increasing busines visibility. You CAN pursue your dream of starting a creative online business even if it is a part-time hobby, you are a busy parent, or have another full time job.

WHAT is an Arrow Affiliate member? An affiliate is a business who has filled out our application and has received approved affiliate status. Membership is based upon the premise that each business hosted on our website remains aligned with our values, vision, and core standards. After a business has been accepted as an affiliate, their business website and shop links are added to our Bringdom® Affiliates page. This page is visible and available to all who shop and use the Bringdom® website and will be promoted with any future advertising.

WHY CHARGE A FEE? Part of our mission is to serve others. Our mindset is based on Kingdom principles and sowing into other businesses. The $17 fee you pay for a year membership helps to draw the right businesses to our platform. Bringdom® sees value in making a small investment to join a Kingdom minded community to broaden your business reach. Your membership money will be invested into platform expansion, paid marketing ads and sown back into the non-profits we support.

WHEN? Apply Now! Bringdom® is expanding and currently accepting applications for new affiliate members. Click on the join affiliates button below to apply.

“Let’s make Bringdom® THE marketplace where people come to support Kingdom-minded businesses that have a heart to give back. There is strength in numbers.  There is power and support in community.  Collectively, we can do more together than we can do alone.”

~ Kristin Schultz